
Elementor UK Meetup 26/07/2023

The next Meetup of the UK Elementor Group is on Wednesday 26th July, 2023.


Hello Everyone,

Following on from our first event ‘How to make a business out of Elementor’ we are going to continue this theme for the second Elementor UK Meetup.

We took a poll before we started the Meetup and asked people to tell us what they would like to discuss. At that meeting we discussed Consulting – which you can watch in our video at the Meetup page here.

We will do exactly the same this time around and the list of topics is at the end of this description.

The agenda is:
6pm Start
1. Introductions
2. Elementor update – we’re looking for anyone who wants to present any new aspect of Elementor and can show us how to use it.
3. Show and Tell – let’s see your designs.
4. Discussion – How to build a business with Elementor –
We will start with a poll to find out which subjects you want to discuss, but you can let us know in the comments below if you want to discuss any particular topic.
8pm – End

List of topics –
Digital Marketing
Content Creation
Monitoring and Reporting
Marketing Automation
Web Design
Web Build
Graphic Design
New Customers
Existing Customers

We look forward to seeing you at the Elementor UK Meetup on the 26th July.

Click here to join the Meetup

Tonisha & Benny.
